Friday, March 13, 2009

the itch to travel

We have offically been in South Texas for 5 months and 6 days and the itch to get moving has hit. We were planning to stay till mid April but we're ready to move on. So with the decision made we're going to finish the week here and leave next Saturday..the 21st. (that's the time we left last year) Our friends are leaving anyway and the parks are empting out so it's time.
I really thought all summer that I'd be totally bored here for 6 months but I'm happy to say that wasn't the case. You want find too many places with nicer weather in the winter months when most of the country is having snow. With the many activities the park offers I didn't have time to get bored. I've already got plans for next season to help with the welcoming committee and to work again in the office..of course aerobics is starting back up in Nov and I'll be doing that again too..
We will be heading toward the gulf coast when we leave here. We're hoping to met up with some friends along the way. Phyllis and Larry are going to be staying in North FL for a few weeks and we might met up with them but they are "cruising" this week and they told me not to call them while they were on the boat so I can't let them know yet that our plans have moved up some. We also may see Tim and Jean in the Mobile/Gulf Shores area. We know we're going to be around the coast for the next few weeks so that will be great I really love the coast. I'll keep ya'll posted as we start to move around this great country for the summer.

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