Sunday, June 20, 2010

Love my Greats

One of the fun things I did while I was home was seeing some of my greats..Two adorable great nieces, Claire and Kate and one of my nephews, Sam. We have 7 greats total and one on the way so anytime I can see them it's good. I visited with them for a while on Tues and then went to lunch with the girls on Wed. Sam is the oldest and being a guy doesn't give me as many hugs as he use to. Claire's old enough to remember me or rather she knows I'm the one with Lady and always has a bunch of hugs for me but Kate is only 2 so she's not sure who I am when I stop by every once in a while but I do love them so. Kate sat beside me at the restaurant and smiled at me and as long as I didn't touch her she was ok. You know it was all I could do to keep my hands off her precious cheeks.

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