Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seafood, Crusin and Sports

I can think of nothing better. We've enjoyed this week in Gulf Shores. It hasn't rained and that's been a rare week for us this summer. We're checked out our favorite places to eat. We took the car up and down the coast and I've been watching football and baseball.. can't asked for much more can I.
I wasn't going to say anything till Reid did but I can't wait him out any longer..He's been wanting something and he finally found just the right one so we went and got it on Wed. He or we now own a Challenger..he's had several of them back in the 70's 80's and 90's and since the new ones came out he's been drooling, debating and deciding on one and he finally threw caution to the wind and got it. Now he bought it here (or in FL) cause they had the one he wanted in the color he wanted (you can't find black autos in south Texas) so I'm driving it to right..if I can just stay awake cause we all know when I travel I get real sleepy. But have caffeine will travel. We want go back quickly and we'll get early starts in the mornings so I should be fine..I think I'll have fun driving that car to TX.

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