Friday, October 1, 2010

where did I go right

hey there again. We arrived in the Valley on our lot Monday afternoon. Got something to eat and started some unpacking...I wasn't feeling good so I layed down and got up on Thurs about 10am.. wow...I was running a fever and super dizzy...Vertigo...I've had it before but usually after an ear infection or a cold..
Anyway I was able to stay up yesterday for the first time and today was better. I'm hoping to be myself again real soon. I still have some "spinning" so I have to be careful, I don't like it when everything spins and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Now about the Valley. It's real green and lush here. That's unusual. It's usually brown... We've been told that the valley has had over 30 inches of rain since Jan so that's rare too. Having two hurricanes skirt the county will call lots of rain. Very little additional lot improvements happened over the summer. We see where one new house was built and one rv lot had concrete poured. Another developed lot had a mobile home put on it but that's it. Winter projects will get started soon.
There's several people here already. Beside the ones that live here yr round a few have already arrived back in town. I was told more are heading in next week.
I plan on taking it easy this weekend. I have to let all this dizziness and light headedness go away and then get the rv unpacked and cleaned out. I like to be settled before the "stuff" started happening for the winter.

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