Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Month of May

2011 is moving right along. April went fast but May seems like a slow month but I think that was cause we did so much moving around. We moved today to a different RV park. This one is called Charleston Peak and the scenery is beautiful. Mt Charleston is right out our front window. This park has a winery attached to it but that does't do us much good does it.. Wine tasting is at 10:30 and I can think of several friends who'd love to be here for that. Should I go taste for you guys. LOL
Danny is waiting for his job offer.. hope it comes soon.. he's been told that an offer should be give to him soon.. There are several job openings coming up for this next school year so its a waiting game.
Stephanie has 3 more working days left in her military career. She's completed 8 yrs 11 months and 4 surgeries.... She's found a new place to live and is in the process of registering in classes for the fall.
Lady...can't leave out Lady...she's fat and sassy... not fat, just chubby... as long as she's getting her walks and treats she's fine.
Reid...he's great... sunny, no rain, 80 degrees, low humidity,,, he's lovin it. He always like it when we lived in NV back in the 80's cause it hardly ever rains.
Me..I'm happy most places..

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