Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reid brings the rain to San Antonio

We hit town yesterday afternoon and brought the rain with us. We knew it was going to be a wet weekend but that's normal for us when we're in San Antonio. They've had 3.5 inches the last 24 hrs but still need more for the drought.
I still think that SA is one of our favorite places to visit. Last night we headed down town for a car thing...I'm sure theres a term for it but I can't think of it right now anyway there's a car club here in SA that has Challengers, Chargers and other Dodge muscle cars that met monthly and Reid keeps up with them online since there's not one in the valley. Anyway since this was their weekend to met we decided to go.. This is held at the Pig Stand which is a restaurant that's been around here since the 1920's. We didn't know if they just meet here in the parking lot or went here to eat so we decided to get there early and eat (we hadn't eaten all day) and the food was great.. I have ribs and they were very tender along with potato salad and fried okra..finished it off with sweet tea.. nothing better. As we finished our meal we started seeing cars arrive.. there were 12 total (with the weather bad we didn't know how many if any were still planning to come) 6 of them were challengers. We're going to see several of these people again next weekend at the Mopar thing in Houston.. Theres over 250 cars expected that weekend.

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