Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No time to blog

That's not really true but it's the only reason I have for not blogging yet about Molly.. so here goes..
Lady is proud to announce that Molly has been added to our family as a playmate for her so she doesn't get lonely. So far Lady is tolerating Molly ok. They have some fun moments then some moments where Lady looks at me and says WHY....
It's been a whirlwind week here...First, Mom is visiting with us and she'll be here till next Tues. Then the carpet guys came and installed our new carpet on Sat. It was a cold, rainy and windy day for carpet laying but they got it done and did a good job.. While they were doing the carpet in the house Mom, Steph, Lady and I hung out in the RV talking and playing Yahtzee. Reid had been looking around for a cocker puppy for a couple yrs now but we just hadn't found our Molly yet.. He found her in Vegas Sat morning so I called about her but another buyer was head of us. They'd put a deposit on her but the breeder wasn't sure if they would take her or not so I was to check back later.. Anyway we called again on Sunday and the first buyer decided not to get her (he was getting it for his son and they just decided he was too young for that responsiblity,, so sorry kid you lose) so we headed into town to get her.. That's when we went throught the mountain pass and actually got snow on my car...can you believe Reid drove through snow instead of turning around and going back.
 So now with Molly in the crate on the back seat of my car we head back to our new house with our new carpet and new furniture with a new 10 week old puppy to train...Are we nuts...probably...or just puppy lovers.
 Oh yeah I forgot to mention that during all this I've had my worse allergy attack in 5 yrs... I'm not sure whats triggered it, could be a combination of things but I hope it's over soon.
 Believe it or not both puppies are sleeping and I was able to finish this blog before either one needed to go out.

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