Monday, October 22, 2012


It's a sunny Monday morning. Not to windy so that's good. Molly and I have already walked the block.. she's was drooping by the time we got back.. her tongue was dragging.. she's not use to humidity.. it's only in the low 70's but that blasted humidity wore her out.. She really needed a walk cause she was running circles around the RV (before 8am) she's napping now.
 I have to go drop off my thyroid medicine bottle for refill today and We're going to head to McAllen for lunch at Jason's Deli.. Thought about it yesterday then decide not a good thing to do on a Sunday.. That's another CON for here...going out to eat on the weekend is not possible.. it's too crowded and restautants have a long waiting list.. (I know for a fact that Cracker Barrel can have a three hour wait on weekends)

The park isn't busy yet.. Several arrived this past week and more are expected this coming week. The bulk of our activities will begin on Nov 1. I have plenty to keep me busy till then with straightening and organizing the two places.

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