Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Visiting with Stephanie July 21

I'm so glad we got here early. I've had a blast spending time with Stephanie this week. We know after Friday she's gonna be out of it for several days.
Yesterday Stephanie and I drove around so I could find my way to her apt..tomorrow we're going to the hospital so I can find it..these are things I need to know...and with my sense of direction I'll need Jill.
We found a Chinese restaurant today and tried it. It was very good. I'd been craving Chinese for a while so Steph and I went..Reid decided to run other errands (he didn't want Chinese)
Her pre op is tomorrow and her surgery is sometime on Friday we still don't have a time on it yet. I expect it to be early but she's staying over night so I guess it could be anytime. She's actually have bone grafting done. Everything I've read says recovery can be from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on the damage to her knee.

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