Saturday, January 22, 2011

My view of the cars

For starters I do love the look of the Challengers. Reid use to have some for racing or various projects but never one fore me to drive and I always wanted my own. I did think that I'd get to drive the black one when we got it and yes I did drive it, all the way from AL to So TX. Then Reid took it over. LOL. He'd asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to trade in my Jeep and get me one to drive around too and the pratical side said "no the Jeep is fine" and the non practical side was saying "Yeah, Yeah, go for it" Last weekend Reid went on a road rally with 14 other Challengers and I was thinking he'll have a good time them be ready to store the car for the summer.. That didn't happen. After Reid got back it was easy to see that he really wanted to go on the road with a Challenger so I changed my mind (or was it Reverse psychology) and he left with my Jeep and returned with white Challenger. It will go on the road with us and his will stay here to keep the mileage low.
So I didn't have to twist Reid's arm to get my own he was twisting it all by himself. I am having lots of fun driving and making up reasons that I need to go out.

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