Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The house is ready for us

Well this will be our first night in the new house. OH we've been at the house but staying in the RV.. We still need the fridge and it will be delivered tomorrow. We drove into Vegas today for the linens and curtains and spent the afternoon getting that stuff ready then we decided to just go ahead and "move in" the house.. it's all ready except for the fridge.. Except for clothes and books we really didn't move much over, we want the rig road ready for when we decide it's time for a road trip.. Lady did get giddy when she saw me bring over her stuff...puppy chow, treats, oinkies (sweet potato centered treats) and her bacon..(ya'll see a theme there..all foods.) she's enjoyed playing and running around the big yard. But she usually has one eye on Reid or me.

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