Monday, August 22, 2011

time to update

Steph made it here just fine.. (I left you hanging with that one didn't I) She arrived last Friday and spent Saturday and Sunday sleeping and then the next week getting settled. She spent part of two days at the DMV office and put in job applications throughout the week. She's trying to get into school too but we don't know yet if that will work out.
The painting is just about done. Only one more room left and he's working on it today. Hopefully by tomorrow evening all the inside painting is going to be finished. It looks really good.. Amazing what a coat of paint will do. I guess we're settle into the house.. As settled as we get.. At least now with Steph here she'll "house sit" during the times we're not here.
Danny started his teaching job last week.. his first offical full time teaching job. yeah.. He's sub taught for years and then teacher assisted for a few more and now he only has one job.. (he usually has one or two part time jobs.)
I'm staying busy going to the gym and running errands for Reid.. He's hanging around the house while it's getting painted.
We're taking a trip into Vegas on Wed. Steph needs to get some things done at the base and the VA office so it's a road trip of sorts.. Wonder where we'll do lunch...there's so many choices.

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