Friday, April 5, 2013

Settling In

We've been back over a week and I guess we're getting settled in.  The weather, the main reason we "settled" in this part of the country has been beautiful.. Sunny days with cool nights.. It's door and window opening weather where no heat or air is needed right now.
 Reid seems to love it here so I try to keep busy so I don't get too bored..
I joined the gym again and I'm taking an aerobic class that meets three times a week, a Zumba class that meets twice a week and the there a PACE program that I can do at my on "pace" it's very similar to the curves concept (they just can't us the name "curves") I'm getting out of the house daily doing those activities.. Of course the girls keep me busy too so if I'm at home I'm usually tossing a ball for Molly. In the evenings I have Braves baseball to cheer for and I have my crocheting and reading too. Sounds like I'm busy so why does it feel like I have so much free time. Steph stops by at least once on her days off and I give her our left overs so on her work days she'll have something other than fast food to eat. It works out pretty good since we don't eat a lot of leftovers any more the food doesn't go to waste.
 I guess that's all I have to talk about for now.. The sun is out and my patio is empty so I guess I'll go set outside for a bit.. I want to go to aerobic at noon but Reid and Lonnie are installing a swamp cooler (similar to an air conditioner but not really) so I might be needed for puppy patrol while they are doing it.. I'll go do the pace later if I have to miss the noon class..
 chat later.

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