Sunday, April 21, 2013

What to say what to say

When we're moving around there's a lot to say cause each couple of weeks it's usually a different town or activity going on but when I'm staying put for the entire summer I don't want to repeat the same old stuff so I'll try to keep my weekly updates interesting. April seems to be going by pretty quickly.. It's been a much cooler April than last year that's for sure but I believe we're heading into the hot time of the season.. The next 10 days are calling for mid 80's to low 90's.. That's my comfort zone.. I'm usually good till it hits the 100 degree mark then I get warm..
 I'm trying to get over to the gym 4-5 times a week, to get out of the house and keep myself busy and limber.. I also like to walk whenever I can out at the lake. Once we hit 100 I wont be able to walk to much unless I go real early (not happening) or real late. I can walk on the treadmill at the gym but I'd rather be outside enjoying the sunshine and breeze.
 Steph and I went bowling last week and had a great time so I see us doing that more and more this summer. If I could  get Reid to go with me that would be fun too.. Sprinkle in pet grooming's, color therapy for me (aka: wash that gray right out of my hair)  and a pedicure and that's pretty much my month.
We've also found a Church that we like in Vegas so our Sundays have been busy with driving around the mountain for Church, stopping for lunch or running errands then heading back to the valley and the girls..
 Mom's coming for a visit next week so we'll be entertaining her. I see some competitive games of Yahtzee coming our way.
 That's all for now.

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