Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Christmas is starting early

Stephanie couldn't get leave to come visit for the week of Christmas but she could get leave this week. Yeah!! She's arriving on Thursday and staying a week.I'm so excited. I don't mind celebrating the entire month...She can help decorate the tree and we can ride around the park and check out the lights. Danny's going to vist the week of Christmas so I'll get a week with each of them. Can't wait.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A wonderful Thanksgiving

Thurs was just a beautiful day. The sun was out and it was windy. But I've decided not to let the wind bother me. The turkey went on the grill about 9:30. I took a walk and visited with people in the park. With Reid watching the turkey I just had to get the veggie hot and set the table. We ate about 2 with Phyllis and Larry. The wind actually started calming down about the time we ate. I got a call earlier in the day from Wilma. They are back for the winter and they came over to visit later in the afternoon. We had a good visit and we're still here..even after the pumpkin bread. Last time we saw them was at a rally in Aug. We're glad they are back.
Another couple, Ed and Nancy stopped by later for a visit so we had a wonderful day of friends..but don't worry about me I talked to both my kids and caught up with them and also talked to Reid's Mom and my sister, Penny. Got Happy Thanksgiving emails from several other friends and family members. Family is never to far away when you have friends that are like family and emails.
Yesterday was our winter..now it's over hopefully, The cold front came through and after Thurs at 90 degrees I woke up on Fri to 40's (not good) It took most of the day but it did warm back up to the 60's I was bored so I went Warmart and I must have hit a shopping break cause the store wasn't too busy, I was able to browse without any problems. I got a couple of gifts so it was productive. Now it's time for me to start planning Christmas. I know that Danny will be spending it with me not sure yet if Stephanie can but we'll have fun.
Some more of our friends are heading our way.. Rita and Dan will be here in about a week and Jane, Rich, Bonnie and Ralph aren't too far away. There's another party waiting to happen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving is almost here

Some one reminded me that I haven't blog lately so I decided I'd better catch everyone up.. We're still in Texas where we'll be for another 3 and a half months give or take. We've been here already 8 weeks and they've gone super fast. Most of our friends are back. A few more couples will be coming in around the first of Dec. We've had happy hour and a cook out and have another one in the planning probally Sat weather pending. I still have the other end of the block to invite over before our cool month hits.
We're having Phyllis and Larry over for Thanksgiving dinner. That should be fun. Most people in the park are going to the Rec Ctr for dinner but we didn't want pot luck so we'll just have our own here. I really don't mind fixing a tradition turkey dinner except this yr we're going to try the turkey on the grill. It should be great.
I'm back in the swing of things here at the park, there's somthing going on all the time, when I have a free minute I usually enjoy it, they're so few.
I guess you're now updated so I'll close. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kicking off the winter season

When november hits so did the activities. The park is filling up fast with the bulk of the residence back. There's never a shortage of stuff to do. I'm going to be working in the office again on Tues mornings, we have line dance on Mon and Wed. Then there's breakfast Thurdays, bike rides, and Happy hours. The rest of the week will be meetings and get togethers. So much to do.
We've actually already been here for 6 weeks and time has gone fast. A couple more people arrived today with the last couple from our end of the street scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'll be fixing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner here. Hopefully the weather will be great and we'll be able to eat on our newly expanded patio. (Pic's on Reid's journal)
That's all for now.