Saturday, December 10, 2011

This is for Linda and Jim

Hey there. I haven't been posting much and I heard about it. LOL. I stay busy with the same things going on weekly and figured no one wanted to hear about it.
Here's goes.. We woke up to rain today.First time in months this area has had any rain and it has really lasted all day. They are forcasting rain for the next couple of days so that's good for the area but not for Reid...he and rain don't mix. While we were in town this morning the streets were flooded with water.
The power went out this morning about 8:45 and was out for 8 hrs.. we don't have any idea why that happened..
We're having a Christmas potluck on Monday so that will be fun.
A couple of freinds are in the middle of building casitas and getting there concrete done.
A bunch of people are going home for Christmas this year. seems like more than normal..We'll be spending it with Stephanie. She'll fly in on the 20th for a week.
that's all for now.

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