Sunday, April 10, 2011


We got together with Rich and Betty yesterday and went to Lulu's. It was our first time there and it was a fun. It's down by the marina and there's climbing stuff for kids, a gift shop and a stage area for bands. The building is open with no sides and plenty of tables.. it has a stage for a band and restaurant.. Some of the Tx gang is picturing Pepe's and yeah that's what I said when I saw it but it's newer, nicer, younger, got the food faster..and it's geared toward the family crowd.. There was music playing but no one line dancing. The food came quickly and it was good. Our waiter Jeremy was fun too.
Reid had the Cheeseburger in paradise and I had a grilled chicken wrap.. BTY did I mention that Lulu is the sister to Jimmy Buffet. he plays there sometimes but it would never happen while we were there.
Peggy and Jimmy are heading this way and will arrive later this afternoon. Can't wait to see them again.
I missed my trip to Shrimp basket this week with Tim and Jean..we'd eaten a late lunch and then they called with the invite.. hopefully we'll plan better on thurs. hint hint.

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