Wednesday, July 20, 2011

what are we up to, you ask

Hey everyone. We're just chillin'. We moved back to Lakeside RV park on the 5th and we'll probably stay here till it's time to move on.
We had window awnings put over the three main sets of windows and it's making a big difference. The shade they are providing by keeping the direct sun out is great.. I can leave the blinds up now with Lady inside without it getting unbearablely hot for her.. Yes, it's all about Lady isn't it.
I love this park.. it's got a walking path that circles the lake and there's birds and ducks all around. It's so cute to watch the ducks waddle up the walking trail.. (I think of the Aflac duck when they do that) These waddlers are use to people cause they don't move for you, they expect you to go around them and if you've got food they want it.. Oh yeah, if there's shade on your site you could have 4-6 just laying around beside you. They also hear the sprinklers come on and they come running to get in on the water fun. Lady, on the other hand, doesn't find them cute and likes to run after them.. They do move over for puppies and dogs.
Steph started working at Applebee's this week. So far so good. I wonder when the fun will wear off. I guess coming off of 14 hrs days and 4-5 days in a row this would be a fun job.
That's it for my thoughts today.

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