Friday, January 18, 2013

Open House at the Park

Today is the Open House for the park. Martin puts it on every year to try and sell the remaining lots that's for sale.. It seems this year turn out is lower than normal but I guess it's the economy.
We grilled out hotdogs and had lunch outside today.
 We had our place open too but only one couple has stopped by so I guess there's not a lot of interest in buying this year.
 Today has been a beautiful day with sunshine and 70 degree temps.. Here's hoping our winter is over..
 I know that East Tenn got about 2.5 inches of snow.. Danny was out of school today..That's good for a long weekend.
 The park had their craft fair on Tues so that was fun.. Then on Wed we tried something new.. We had our first pool scramble. I decided to sign up so we'd have enough to play and I ended up tieing for first play among the girls.. It was so much fun. There were 6 girls and 6 guys and we played in teams of two.. I'll sign up to play again. I don't play often so we all know it was the guys I was paired with that carried me. Still it was fun. Going to the dance tomorrow night..

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