Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Back in NV

What a week.. We left MI last Sunday for IN and some work to be done on the RV and a week later we're back in the house in NV..We never go anywhere that fast and don't really like traveling that fast but everywhere we were planning on going was going to be hit by another heatwave and we decided not to hang around for that.. It's just to hot and miserable. The inside temp in the MH is about 90 with two A/C running if the outside temp is 100 so that's to hot for anyone.

We did travel through a couple of new states for us.. IA and NE so that was fun.. I enjoyed the cornfields and before you ask yes I was awake for a lot of it.. We pulled some pretty good mountains coming into UT. Above is a picture of us driving through Virgin River Gorge between St George UT and then north west corner of AZ

This one is of the dirty river, they'd had rain recently so I'm guessing that's what made it sooooo muddy.

This one shows how the road curves through the mountain. you can see a truck in front of us then more road winding around the next hill. It was neat.
 (bet you wish I didn't know how to do pic's now don't you,.)
I'll try to keep up with what's going on here but we want be doing any traveling till Oct/Nov but we have family and friends visiting so I'll be updating about that.. of course there'll be pic's for the girls..

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