Saturday, May 26, 2012

Molly's first day of RV'ing

We left NV this morning heading toward AZ. It's Molly's first RV trip ever and she handled it like a pro.. We really didn't know what to expect but she did fine.. she was nervous at first and sat in my lap and was shaking the first hour or so in the trip.. I held her in my lap and she could see out which she liked but she also wanted on the ground too so with a leash she checked out things as we drove.. At one point we had both Lady and Molly laying on the same pillow..
We arrived at the RV park in Kingman AZ around lunch time and afterwards Molly crashed for a 3 + hr nap.. I think she's taking to RV just fine..
Right now it's bed time. Reid's already in bed and both girls are laying at my feet..
 Tonight is just an over nighter and we'll spend a couple of nights in Winslow AZ..

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